Photos from The Music Gallery

After an incredible week with three workshops in Toronto, and a workshop and performance in Pikwakanagan First Nation, this year’s Catalyst Series culminated in a magical evening at Toronto’s The Music Gallery.

Photographer John Paillé captured beautifully a few of the powerful moments with Pura Fé, Rosary Spence, and the invited guests Manitou Mkwa Singers.

Chi Miigwetch to to our co-presenter The Music Gallery, David Dacks,Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto, Judy Sackney, Sarah Yankoo, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, Kerry Potts, Susan Blight, and First Nations House – University of Toronto for the succesful week, and as always miigwetch to our funders for this project Canadian Heritage, Ontario Arts Council, Miziwe Biik, and FACTOR.

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